Fair dinkum people, it's sapped me of the will to put finger to keyboard... so, instead of the usual rave, I've decided just to post a picture of a pretty flower (or three) from my backyard. It's not a good picture and it's even a bit out of focus, but at least it won't offend the delicate sensibilities of my good friends at
That flower has purple colours on it. What are you trying to say? Only purple things (like Freo) are worth talking about? Huh???
Nice blog. Good to see someone else from this country town trying some sports-related blogging.
Self-promotion: Check out the OFI (Off-Field Indiscretion) All Australian Team 2005 - the team of current (or very recent) players who've hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons. The Captain? Who else but Benny.
Well thanks for the promotion anyway Cookie...
oh those poor little weagles supporters. i can see them now crying over their brie and crackers, pondering over how life can be so unfair. after all, ben's just the victim in this affair .. isn't he?? i'm sure that somehow they'll be finding a way to twist this into some kind of police harrassment caused by his friendship with kizon
Dave, he's facing criminal charges now, but I'd say it's a token gesture at best.
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